
#199 - Peanut: "Simple is always good"
#198 - Gordon Auchinachie: Finding Gordo.
#197 - Dean Wells: "Skateboarding was an outlet for me to be creative"
#195 - Mick Mulhall: “I choose my friends for who they are, not what they ride”
#194 - Craig Martin: "Train hard, get educated, be disciplined. These are the 3 pillars".
#193 - Jed Smith: "I didn't care if I lived past the age of 30"
#192 - Sidney Tapia: "I'm just living the Go0d life"
#191 - Mark Baxter and Melissa Errey: “Growth happens when you endure the ordeal”.
#190 - Darren Kaehne: Skateboarding longevity, family, gratitude, and creating lifestyle balance.
#189 - Jeffery and Spencer Olsen: Near Death and Out of Body experience; "You need to go back and raise our son".
#188 - Jarrett Wilbraham: Violence, empathy, progression, balance, and healing.
#187 - Dennis Walker: Writer, content creator, comedian, and host of the Mycopreneur podcast.
#186 - Ian "Chef" Larios: Nutritionist, Chef, Dietician to the world's best UFC fighters, his mission to change the culture of weight-cutting and beyond.
#185 - Jeremy Rowling: Radness begets radness.
#184 - Ricky Roberts iii: Writing books, art, skateboarding in mid 40's, parenting, purpose and finding fulfilment.
1 2 3 4 5 16

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